If you think MN-FISH has wrapped up its goals, think again. Yes, we are proud of the legislative accomplishments for hatchery repairs and improved boat accesses. Yes, we are grateful Gov. Walz helped invest in the state’s economic engine called fishing.
Yet, there is so much more we can do in the name of better fishing:
- Bait shortage issue that needs to be fixed.
- We had a great year for investing in state hatcheries and access improvements, but there is far more funding work to do on both.
- What can we do to educate winter anglers about leaving trash and human waste on the ice?
- What does the future of seasons and harvest regulations look like?
- What are the needs of DNR fisheries managers?
- Can we convince legislators to regularly appropriate general revenue (your tax money) to fishing? Relying only on fishing license fees doesn’t work.
- We are concerned about the spread of invasive carp into Minnesota waters. We need to adequately fund control and barrier methods. If the carp win, anglers lose (boaters, too).
One last concern; please continue to support MN-FISH as there’s still much to be done.
Ron Schara, President
Here’s a breakdown of MN-FISH funding requests and results:
Legislature Approves Historic $98.1 Million In Funding
Minnesota anglers landed a $98.1 million investment in fishing and boating during the recent legislative session; DNR officials are calling it “transformational” and “historic.”
Here’s a breakdown of funding requests and results:
- $60 million for fish hatcheries – $55 Million approved
- $50 million for Public Water Accesses – $35 Million (plus $3.1 Million for two new accesses) = $38.1 Million approved
- $5 Million for Shore Fishing/piers – $5 Million approved
- Total requests: $115 Million – $98.1 Million approved
Additional initiatives we supported:
- Invasive carp barrier/removal: $1.72 Million approved
- Fishing license fee increase: Did not pass
Policy items MN-FISH supported:
- Limited and regulated minnow importation: Passed
- Boater Education: Passed
- Keep It Clean (reduce littering and human waste left by ice anglers): Passed
‘’This is a moment that Minnesota anglers should celebrate,” said Ron Schara, president of the non-profit group MN-FISH. “This investment in fishing shows state leadership understands the economic and cultural importance of sport fishing in Minnesota, and the need to maintain it.”
With member and benefactor support, MN-FISH was able to reach state leadership with a core message -“We need to reinvest in our valued fisheries and the infrastructure that support sport fishing.
MN-FISH Working to Improve Accesses in Chippewa National Forest
A unique partnership between MN-FISH, Minnesota DNR and USDA Forest Service is resulting in public access repairs and improvement across the Chippewa National Forest in northern Minnesota.
This season, the DNR has installed all fishing piers, repaired washouts and/or ramp damage on four ramps, and plan the following:
- Extend Norway Beach dock
- Repair ramps at McAvity, Tamarack Point and Six Mile
- Replace signs at Plughat, Birches, Big-Too-Much, McCavity, Williams Narrows, Bowstring, Maple/Turtle