Welcome to the MN-FISH Sportfishing Foundation & Coalition
Minnesota’s only nonprofit organization formed as two entities in order to represent the fishing interests of all Anglers, Clubs, Local Organizations and Industry Stakeholders. We want to give you the opportunity to have a strong voice and be heard at our State Capital, where it matters most!

- AL LINDNERLindner Media ProductionsOur goal is to reverse the continued decline in kid/youth fishing participation through programs to promote youth fishing recruitment and competitive fishing in school curriculums.

The MN-FISH Coalition, LLC is a 501c4 grassroots sportfishing, marine and angler advocacy network that gives anglers a legislative voice and works to achieve public policies.
The MN-FISH Sportfishing Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit organization designed to inspire Minnesotans to restore, protect and enhance sportfishing for the present and future generations to enjoy.

- BABE WINKELMANGood Fishing TVTime and technology is taking its toll on our resources, and anglers and stakeholders know that modifications to regulations and our fisheries programs are much needed in order to restore our strong fishing heritage for future generations to enjoy.

MN-FISH Mission
- Provide a strong voice for Minnesota anglers and fishing related businesses before the State Legislature and DNR regarding all things fishing.
- Advocate, protect and restore aquatic fish & spawning habitat in lakes, rivers and streams.
- Seek greater reinvestment back into sport fishing, representing a portion of the estimated $271 million in annual state taxes derived from Minnesota’s $4.2 billion fishing and marine industry.
- Support scientific and common-sense fish management for all gamefish species, and review DNR fish stocking policies and fish management programs to maximize anglers’ success.
- Advocate and promote youth fishing recruitment and fishing programs in school curriculums to sustain the next generation of anglers.
- Become a grassroots sport fishing, marine and angler advocacy network to give anglers a voice in all fishing related issues.
- Advocate and seek funding for new investment in fish hatcheries, public accesses, fishing piers and shore fishing facilities.

- STEVE PENNAZPennaz MultimediaOur aquatic resources, fisheries, and sport of fishing are being challenged here in Minnesota like never before. As stewards of the “Land of 10,000 Lakes,” we must do our part to preserve and protect it for our kids and future generations to enjoy.