
April 29, 2020
MN-FISH’s Letter To The Governor

On April 28th, 2020 MN-FISH sent a letter to Gov. Walz with recommendations for rebuilding our states economy and restoring our way of life.

April 22, 2020
MN-FISH Newsletter 4-21-20

A year ago, a new non-profit fishing organization called MN-FISH was launched for the purpose of “shortening-the-time-between-bites”. Our goalwas to give state anglers what we…

April 21, 2020
Support Better Walleye Fishing – Buy a Minnesota Walleye Stamp

WALKER, MN – With fishing opener just weeks away, now is the time to buy a Walleye Stamp or two and support better walleye fishing…

April 17, 2020
Anglers/Boaters to Governor Walz- Allow Statewide Travel

Walker, MN – The MN-FISH Sportfishing Foundation has a message for Governor Walz – allow anglers and boaters to travel statewide. According to the statement…