Proceeds from the Minnesota Walleye Stamp support DNR stocking efforts

Osseo, Minn. (April 4, 2022) — In the coming weeks, a half million or more Minnesota anglers will be buying their 2022 fishing license in preparation for fishing the May 14 opener.

MN-Fish Sportfishing Foundation would like to remind anglers that one of the best ways to improve Minnesota walleye fishing is to buy the optional Walleye Stamp when ordering their license. You can purchase a fishing license and Walleye Stamp endorsement year-round either online, or at one of the hundreds of retail outlets statewide that sell licenses.

“The $5 Walleye Stamp is not required to fish or keep walleye in Minnesota,” said MN-Fish Foundation executive director Mark Holsten. “However, buying one is one of the best ways to invest in better walleye fishing.”

Funds raised through the sale of the walleye stamp are used by the DNR to purchase young walleye from private fish farms for stocking in state waters.

Angler support for the Walleye Stamp is growing. In 2021, anglers purchased nearly 34,500, raising $172,390. That’s nearly double the number of Walleye Stamps sold in 2019 (18,000), which raised $90,000 that year.

“By buying a Walleye Stamp this season, state anglers help strengthen walleye numbers in lakes across the state…it’s like helping yourself catch a walleye,” said Steve Pennaz, MN-Fish Foundation board member. “Given the growing pressure on our fisheries, it’s more important than ever.”