To MN-FISH members and supporters –

How they bitin’? Fair, I hope. Your MN-FISH board of officers has also been chasing a few fish this summer. After all, this is why MN-FISH was formed: to Keep Minnesota Fishing Strong.

Nevertheless, we have not lost sight of our mission. Recently, a few MN-FISH board members, along with Executive Director Mark Holsten, met with DNR Commissioner Sarah Stommen and some of her staff to ask: what’s next? Now that the legislature approved upwards of $95 million to repair and/or enhance fish hatcheries, public boat accesses and urban shore fishing opportunities, what will happen when? I’m glad to say the DNR has been busy setting priorities; which hatcheries and which accesses get fixed first. You won’t notice many changes tomorrow, but you will eventually.

We also talked bait shortages. While there are issues (including drought and winterkill), the DNR and MN-FISH are determined to fix the fathead minnow shortage.

Since we successfully campaigned to upgrade hatcheries and boat accesses, the logical question is: Are we done? You kiddin’? We will again be active in the 2024 legislature as lawmakers debate a bonding bill. Why? Because there is so much that needs to be done with hatcheries, boat accesses, public fishing docks/shorelines, invasive carp controls just to name a few. And all require investment spending.

That said, MN-FISH doesn’t operate on wishful thinking. So, please renew your MN-FISH membership today. And donate to if you can. This is your “State of Fishing” and we are fighting to keep it that way.

BTW, I’ll be emceeing Game Fair again this year. Please stop by the booth for a free MN-FISH decal while there!

Good fishing,
Ron Schara, President

PS—MN-FISH is hosting the World’s Greatest Hunting and Fishing Auction in September.

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